Meet the owner

black ipad on brown textile
black ipad on brown textile

Do you work alone?

Most of the time yes, however it depends on the project. Even though Adiba started as a solopreneur, at ACS Socials we stay away from burning out! Therefore we will bring onboard the help we need on contract, to ensure a top notch quality of service in the required timeframe.


Do you hire?

Yes! We are on the constant lookouts for new talents. Since we work on a contract basis, e-mail us your CV + portfolio on As soon as we identify a project where you would fit in, we will reach out to you.

What sort of talents are you looking for?

Models of all sizes, professionals in the social media industry, creative assistants, influencers, videographer, makeup artists, hair stylists, and designers.

Adiba Camall Saïb, founder of ACS Socials

Adiba is a trilingual all rounder. She has been creating content since 2018, collaborating with major beauty brands on social media and contributing to other brand's offline marketing strategy. After graduating from the Post Graduate Degree in Digital Business from Columbia Business School and MIT Sloan as an Emeritus Scholar, Adiba found her happiness in freelancing as a social media manager and content creator.